A Birthday Story

A Birthday Story

Today started like just another ordinary day. Sure, it’s my birthday, and I got cards from my kids, flowers from my husband and calls and emails from my sisters and thoughtful friends. But – other than that, it was just like any other day. I woke up with a prayer of thanks for all my blessings: my family, my friends, my new-found work, my dog, comfort, and good health. The rest of the day was – as I said, ordinary. I met a former client for coffee, then stayed in my home office and spent most of the day reviewing and refreshing my teaching plans for the fall. Then I ran out to work out, and came home to get ready for dinner. My husband insisted on taking me out to our favorite steak restaurant – after all, we had a coupon for one free entrée! Yippee!So, off we go. Our friendly waiter was there to greet us, and, being a Tuesday night, the restaurant was not very crowded. On our way over, we noticed very ominous clouds – and sure enough, as we were starting dinner, the heavens opened up and torrential rain poured out. For a moment, we were worried that we would actually lose power in the restaurant. We didn’t. We got distracted, and started to enjoy our yummy steak, when I started to notice that the people outside the restaurant (by now the rain has stopped) were taking pictures of the sky. I told my husband, “There must be a rainbow!” He offered to check, and I see him start taking pictures too, I followed him outside.


There it was – a beautiful full rainbow. We took pictures, one of which (at the advice of our waiter who has now joined us outside), I posed to look like I was touching the rainbow! Clever.

I walked back in the restaurant, and as I passed the gentlemen having dinner next to our table, I said something like, “you’re missing a beautiful rainbow”, and added, under my breath (but loud enough that they both heard) “and to think it’s my birthday”! They of course chimed in, “Happy Birthday!”

By now my husband was beside me, and as it turns out, he knows one of the men in that table. Truth is, I’ve also met him before, but for the life of me, I can’t seem to remember brief encounters anymore! Anyway, they say hi, my husband whispers to remind me who that guy is, and how nice he is.

OK. We continue dinner. These two guys are now done with dinner. They are getting ready to leave, but before they do, the one that my husband knows waves and says, again, Happy Birthday, and something like good job on the rainbow. I awkwardly responded, Thanks! Glad the order came through.

I suppose my ordinary day had started to become not-so-ordinary the moment that the full rainbow came out, but I guess the signs came through much louder and clearer when we asked for the bill and were told the guy-who-my-husband-knows has picked up our entire bill.

As my husband and I were recovering from the surprise and delight over this man’s kindness, our waiter said, “I believe in Karma too”.

All of a sudden, I am overcome with this sweeping feeling of gratitude and appreciation for everything. Everything in my life. Everything at this moment feels right. This must be what being in the presence of the Divine means.

So there it goes… the ordinary day in my life that happened to be my birthday turned out to be an extraordinary gift of kindness and wonder.

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