Abroad on Mother's Day

Abroad on Mother's Day

I found myself spending Mother's Day in Shanghai. It wasn't even planned...just an innocent twist of fate resulting from lack of desirable return flights, or better planning.  My kids are grown, so we no longer maintain  the "family calendar" - one that used to be pre-populated with events like "spring break", "winter break" or "Mother's Day".  Not so long ago, I spent Mother's Day with my sisters, our husbands and our kids, over special meals that we fondly called " mothers day, mothers pay".   The kids are now all grown, and my sisters and I live in different cities. Anyway, as I said, I found myself in Shanghai travelling back to the US. I was actually surprised to realize that  Mother's Day is also observed in Shanghai.  I always thought that it was an " American phenomenon", not having known of its existence till I  moved to the US some 30+ years ago. Celebrating a special day for mothers may have now become a global "hallmark" opportunity, but the simple truth is, mothering is both as universal and basic as life itself. There is a kinship that mothers share, borne of many an experience that comes with the role.

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I wished my sisters and good friends a happy Mother's day via email and, having the benefit of the whole day of travelling, spent most of the day reflecting on motherhood.   I thought of my own mother, and the life lessons she tried to impart to me by example: grace and strength, hard work and integrity, faith and  forgiveness.

Mothering could very well be the most challenging - and rewarding role I have ever had in my life. I own this little plaque that reads :" a mother holds her children's hands for a little while, and their hearts forever".

On this Mother's Day, as I navigate myself through airports on my way home, I know I am holding my children's hearts in my heart and feel the overwhelming joy and gratitude that can only come from being a mother.

Casablanca... the legend

Casablanca... the legend

Easter in the "Islands"

Easter in the "Islands"